Dealing With Bedbugs

Pet Friendly Treatment, Affordable Price, NZ Licensed Pest Control, Professional, Reliable & 100% Guaranteed Work.

Bedbugs Exterminator

Bedbugs are small tiny blood-sucking insects that feed mostly off cats, dogs, humans, and other mammals as well. If you have noticed a blood spot on your mattress or linens, you may have a Bedbugs infestation. Bedbug bites could be so itchy, uncomfortable and make your nights sleepless. Don’t be the victim of a bedbug invasion. Their infestation can be responsible for harmful health diseases. We can eliminate Bedbugs permanently,

Most Commonly signs of Bedbugs Infestation:

  • Bedbugs bite/rash on your body?
  • Seeing blood spot on bed sheet?
  • Sleepless, itchy nights?
  • Getting bitten on bed, sofas?
  • Seeing bugs on your matters or carpet?

How would we deal with Bedbugs infestation?

We will discuss with you and find out:

  • Infested areas in your house
  • What treatment we would apply
  • Safety measurements you must undertake before and after the treatment

It’s important to understand bedbugs has a life cycle and the treatment works in a process. Spray leaves the residue which will kill the bugs and their eggs. You will see the difference within a day or two after the treatment.

Safety Measurements:

Our commercial pesticides are synthetic pyrethrin that has excellent safety for humans and pets. The safety preparation list will be emailed to you well before the treatment.

The spray is wet misting which is stainless and odour free.

Why Choose Eco Pest Control:

  • Qualified and registered staff.
  • Trustworthy
  • Affordable prices
  • Safe for humans & pets
  • Stand behind our work
  • 100% guaranteed treatment

Treatment comes with 100% guarantee!

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