Flea Control

Pet Friendly Treatment, Affordable Price, NZ Licensed Pest Control, Professional, Reliable & 100% Guaranteed Work.


Welcome to our professional flea control services! As experts in pest management, we understand the challenges that flea infestations can pose to both residential and commercial properties. With our comprehensive flea control solutions, we’re committed to providing effective and long-lasting relief from fleas, ensuring a clean and pest-free environment for our clients.

  1. Assessment and Inspection:
  • Our experienced pest control technicians conduct thorough assessments to identify the extent of the flea infestation and determine the best course of action. 
  • We inspect both indoor and outdoor areas, including pet living spaces, carpets, furniture, and outdoor landscaping, to pinpoint flea breeding and hiding spots. 
  1. Customized Treatment Plans: 
  • Based on our assessment findings, we develop customized flea control treatment plans tailored to the unique needs of each property. 
  • Our integrated pest management approach combines multiple strategies, including chemical treatments, insect growth regulators, and environmental modifications, to effectively eradicate fleas at all life stages. 
  1. Safe and Effective Treatment Methods: 
  • We use approved and environmentally friendly products to safely and effectively target fleas while minimizing risks to humans, pets, and the environment. 
  • Our technicians are trained in the proper application of flea control products and follow strict safety protocols to ensure the health and well-being of our clients. 
  1. Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance: 
  • After treatment, we provide ongoing monitoring and maintenance to prevent future flea infestations. 
  • We offer recommendations for proactive flea prevention measures, such as regular pet grooming, vacuuming, and maintaining a clean living environment. 
  1. Guaranteed Results: 
  • We stand behind the effectiveness of our flea control services with a satisfaction guarantee. If fleas persist after treatment, we will re-evaluate and re-treat the property as needed at no additional cost. 
  • Our goal is to ensure complete satisfaction and peace of mind for our clients, knowing that their property is free from fleas and other pests. 


At Eco Pest Control, we are dedicated to providing professional flea control services that deliver results. With our expertise, personalized approach, and commitment to customer satisfaction, you can trust us to effectively eliminate fleas from your property and create a pest-free environment for you, your family, and your pets. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a flea-free property!

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