Wasp Nest Removal

Pet Friendly Treatment, Affordable Price, NZ Licensed Pest Control, Professional, Reliable & 100% Guaranteed Work.

Don’t get sting Give us a ring!

Welcome to Eco Pest Control, your trusted partner for safe and efficient wasp nest removal services.


At Eco Pest Control, we understand the urgency and potential danger associated with having a wasp nest on your property. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing prompt and effective wasp nest removal to ensure the safety and peace of mind of our clients.

Our Approach:


Our skilled technicians conduct a thorough inspection of your property to locate all active wasp nests and assess the extent of the infestation.

  1. Customized Solutions:

Based on our findings, we develop a customized removal plan tailored to the unique needs of your property.

  1. Safe Removal:

Using industry-leading techniques and equipment, we safely remove the wasp nests, minimizing the risk of stings or property damage.

  1. Prevention: To prevent future infestations, we offer recommendations and preventative measures to safeguard your property against wasps.

Why Choose Us:

  • Experienced Professionals:

Our team consists of trained and certified professionals with years of experience in wasp nest removal.

  • Safety First:

We prioritize safety in all our operations, ensuring the well-being of our clients, their families, and pets.

  • Quick Response:

We understand the urgency of wasp nest removal and strive to provide prompt service to address your concerns.

  • Guaranteed Satisfaction:

Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we stand behind the quality of our workmanship.

Don’t let a wasp nest disrupt your peace of mind. Contact Eco Pest Control today for reliable and effective wasp nest removal services.


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